Saturday, October 14, 2023

Day 6: The 10 Day Breathe First and Get Moving Challenge!

So yesterday we talked about exercise being great for your bodacious bod!  BUT, exercise is NOT a one hit's also great for your mind AND your spirit!  

So today, let's talk about why exercise is great for your beautiful brain!

Exercise for a Healthy Mind!

  • Brainpower Boost: Exercise can boost your cognitive abilities, making you a total smarty pants... or at least better at remembering where you left your keys.
  • Brain Age-Defying: Your bike may not be an actual time machine, but according to the National Council on Aging, regular moderate to intense exercise may slow brain aging by up to 10 years! A separate study found that cognitive decline is almost twice as common among adults who are inactive compared to those who are active!
  • It's ALIVE!: According to some researchers, it's quite possible that physical activity can help you grow new brain cells in a process called adult neurogenesis.  Imagine?  Despite all the brain cells you killed off during your younger years (remember all those keg parties?), you still have the chance to create new ones!  LOL!
  • Bigger Brain:  According to an article by Positive Psychology, exercising "enlarges the areas of the brain associated with memory, task management, coordination, planning and inhibition (the anterior cingulate cortex and the supplementary motor area). This enlargement means that the developed parts of the brain function faster and more efficiently".  Big Brain=Sharp As a Tack! awesome is it that we get to craft a strong bod AND a sharp mind at the SAME TIME?  Exercise is the BEST, right?

Let's get it done, Rockstars!  See ya, tomorrow!

Doggie-Face exercises every day. 
Now he's smart enough to drive the car!

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