Wednesday, September 13, 2023

DAY 9 of the Breathe First Food Tune-Up: Celebrate Your Wins!

You’ve got ONE more day of your Food Tune Up.  It’s time to do a little celebrating!  

  1. How are you feeling? 
  2. Did you accomplish what you wanted to accomplish?
  3. What changes are you noticing?
  4. Are you feeling empowered?

Feel free to share below!

As for me…

1.  How am I feeling?

I’m feeling pretty good!  I’ve got renewed energy, I’m not feeling “stuffed” all the time, and I feel pretty great about sticking with the program!

2.  Did I accomplish what I wanted to accomplish?

To answer this, I went back and looked at my “WHYS”.  Did I expect that I’d accomplish ALL of them in only 10 days?  Heck no!  It took me a whole “Summer of Indulgence” to get where I was, so I didn’t expect to undo it ALL in just 10 day!  That said, I’m moving in the right direction and I did better than I expected!  Yay!

3.  What changes am I noticing?  

  • Inflammation/swelling is getting better (slowly but surely!).  

  • My joints are just starrrrting to improve (but to crush it, I need more time…after all, I’m no Spring Chicken! LOL!).  

  • My sleep is SO much DEEPER (but to get the LONGER sleep I really want, I need to work on OTHER habits–not just food!).  

  • I lost the weight that I gained during my “vacation days”. 

  • I feel less bloated. 

  • I’m rocking more consistent energy and moods. 

  • My digestion and elimination is WAY better!  (Again, TMI???  ALWAYS!  LOL!)  

  • I crushed my junk food cravings. (BOOM!  Take THAT, Food Addictions!)

  • My acid reflux is gone. 

4.  Am I feeling empowered?  

You betcha!  I’m happy I stuck with it.  I’m pleased with my progress.  My mindset is positive!  I’ve broken some bad habits and shaken things up enough to use this Tune-Up as a way to get myself back on track for the long term!  (Or at least until the Holidays…where I will indulge to my heart’s content!  LOL!)

So tell me, if YOU played along, what things do YOU want to celebrate? 

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