Monday, July 15, 2024

The 5 Day Juice Cleanse is COMPLETE--Our Thoughts

We DID it! YAY!

Wanna know what we thought about the experience? Here you go!

    +Easy. No meal planning. No grocery shopping. No food prep. No dishes.

    +Yummy. I liked every single juice.

    +The packaging was BRILLIANT! Recyclable and compostable.

    +Less tummy bloat, face/eye puffiness, and feet/leg swelling.

    +Made us hydrate!

    +No hunger. We never said, "I'm starrrrving!"

    +We experienced good energy–when we felt like we needed fuel, we drank a juice and
    felt like we were back in action.
    +Slept great.

    +Weight loss (I lost 5 lbs. Hubby lost 11lbs. Is that a healthy amount to “lose” in 5
    days? No. Do I expect that most of it will go right back on after eating healthy food–
    even when watching calories? Yes. I’ll talk more about this in another post!)

    +AND…the biggest boon…it was definitely a mental re-boot. We’re not jonesing for junk
    food nor do we have ANY plans to overstuff ourselves like we had been doing in our
    prior “vacation mode”. We don’t miss THAT feeling at ALL!

    -Expensive. (Probably NOT for what you get though…making juice at home is expensive
    AND time consuming!)

    -High sugar content…when the sugary floor came out from underneath us, we turned
    into grouchie-grouchertons.

    -The Wellness Shot was insanely spicy and the Vitality Shot was not for me.

    -OK for a 3-5 day thing, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a long term thing due to lack of     protein, fiber, fat, etc. (Which, of course, is why it’s called a “cleanse” and not a “way of     eating” LOL!)
    -As the 5-day mark approached, some of the juices started looking a little funky and
    didn’t taste nearly as fresh as they did on day one even though most of the “Best   
    By” dates were still 2+ weeks away.


Would I do it again? Sure thing! Though, I would probably stick to 3 days as I don’t feel like I got THAT much more out of the extra two days. I experienced ALL of the Pros listed above by the third day for sure.

Would hubby do it again? He actually said the same thing! “Three days is about right!”

So there you go! Thanks for tuning in and checking out our 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment! It was fun having you along for the ride!

Until next time!


My first chewable food in 5 days!  Wahoo!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Day 5: The 5 Day Juice Experiment--Three Questions

As this 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment comes to a close, I have 3 questions that I've been asking myself...

Question 1:

How the heck can hubby and I be on a juice cleanse, where we do nothing but drink liquid all day but yet we are still constantly thirsty? My water bottle and I have become besties. I’m drinking more liquid (in the form of juices) and more water than I have in…my whole life maybe? What magic is this?

Question 2:

How were we NOT hungry during this cleanse? We have felt like we needed FUEL (like we were running out of steam), but we didn’t have that ravenous, “I’m hungry” feeling. So weird.

Question 3:

Can it really be day 5 already? I’m not saying I’d like to do more days, but those 5 days went by REALLY fast! (And hubby agrees!)

Things to note…

  • When we started this cleanse, we were coming off a lonnnnng period of “vacation eating/drinking”, so both of us were VERY ready to get rid of the “full feeling”.
  • We haven’t had any social engagements…which undoubtedly made the cleanse easier.
  • We have been suuuuuper busy…so no downtime to think about food.
  • Our kitchen is being pulled apart…so we can’t cook anyway.

OK…sooo…tomorrow I will share some details about what we got out of our cleanse and what we thought about the experience as a whole. See ya later, gater!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Day 4: The 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment--Energy Levels

"So, how are your energy levels?"

Well, I might be dragging (due to the cold), but this cleanse is giving hubby some energyyyyyyy! He hasn’t had any energy dips AT ALL. This morning he decided to have a little coffee (which you’re technically NOT supposed to do during the cleanse) and as we were walking home from the coffee shop he looked at me with wide, crazy eyes and and said,

“Arrrrrrghhh!!!!!IjustfeellikeIwannarundownthestreetasfastasIcan,andthenjump50feetintheairandintoatreewhiledoingkarateandthenclimbbackdownthetreeandthendocartwheelsandthen…wow. That caffeine really affected me!”

LOL! I guess the cleanse has made him even MORE caffeine sensitive! Good thing he is doing kitchen demo today…he’ll get some of that energy out! I just hope he doesn’t get carried away! Who knows what walls he might knock out?! 😉

On the downside, you know what comes after a caffeine high, right? The "crash and burn". Maybe he'll get lucky and it will pass him by....

One more dayyyyy!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Day 3: The 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment--Habits and Triggers

OK, so remember before I started the cleanse I said I was either having bad allergies or getting a cold? Pretty sure it’s a cold–sore scratchy throat, headache, fatigue, cough, etc.! Gah! So now it’s hard to tell if I’m tired because of cleansing or tired because of the cold! LOL! Hubby seems to be doing OK energy-wise though, so I’m going to attribute the fatigue to the cold!

What else? I’m really NOT hungry. (Again, that might be the cold talking…). It’s super surprising to me! AND I'm still having trouble fitting all the juices in cuz my stomach feels really full all the time. Hubby has no trouble staying on track…he even drinks the spicy shots AND two protein shakes!

Last night we took a walk around town and I asked hubby if we could walk past Salt & Straw (an ice cream place) so I could check out the new flavors. He just raised an eyebrow and laughed…and indulged me. I don’t know about him, but I didn’t even feel like I WANTED an ice cream cone…I really DID just want to see the cool flavors. (And they look fabulous…it’s a berry theme right now).

I have to say, it surprises me how much of my eating is habit-based. Like, when I run an errand, I have to fight the urge to buy that little packet of gummy bears at Trader Joe’s that I always get when I go grocery shopping. And it’s not because I’m hungry or have a craving…it’s totally situational. And I know this happens for hubby too! When he hears music coming from the local brewery it is like a siren’s call to go have a beer and get some tater tots. I wonder how long it takes for the food/situation/habit link to go away? How many times would I have to go to Trader Joes and NOT buy the gummy bears in order to have a time when I go in there and it doesn’t even cross my mind?

Food for thought, I guess! (Pun intended!)

Do you have certain situations where you almost ALWAYS grab a snack or a drink? What are they?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Day 2: The 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment--The Hiccup

So it’s Day 2.

Hubby and I got through day one with no problem. Hubby supplemented with 2 protein shakes. I just stuck to the cleanse (with ONE hiccup–I’ll tell you about that in a sec!). Neither of us felt hungry. And honestly, we’ve both been really busy, so it was nice not having to think about what to make for dinner! LOL!

The juices are pretty delicious–very sweet. They contain a LOT more sugar than I had expected…especially since some of the juices are green juices. I’m pretty sugar sensitive, so hopefully I can tolerate it over time.

Wanna know the flavors? There’s a Greens with Ginger, an Orange Turmeric, Roots with Ginger, Sweet Citrus, and Avocado Greens. They are all juices, but the Avocado Greens is creamy so it feels a bit more substantial than the other juices. I have a feeling that when I’m done with this cleanse, I’ll crave them. I kinda feel like I could pour one into a fancy glass with ice and a tiny umbrella and feel like I’m on a mini vacation!
So…my hiccup came with the shots. Holy Crap. Their Wellness Shot is a spicy little bugger! Wow. I tried to shoot half of it and it literally gave me heart palpitations! Pressed apparently gets feedback about its spiciness quite often so under the FAQ’s on their website, I followed their suggestion and diluted it with water (which meant I had an EXTRA juice to drink!). Even diluted, it was still spicy! AND…drinking the “extra” juice put me behind on my drinking schedule so I didn’t have enough time to drink the second shot (“Vitality”). It’s ok though. I didn’t really need it! (Though I AM curious to see how it tastes…hubby says it’s powerful, but not as powerful as the Wellness Shot.) We’ll see…

OK. That’s it for now! Any questions?

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Day 1 (Continued): The 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment--What are we doing about exercise?

Wednesday July 10, 2024 (Evening)

More details about Day 1…

So…let’s talk about exercise for a sec.

Typically during a juice cleanse, proponents of cleansing say to lighten your exercise load because when you cleanse, you’re not giving yourself enough fuel for intense workouts. As such, MY plan is to stick with yoga and SKIP my normal 40-50 minute workouts (which I typically do every other day) and replace them with 10-15 minute, less intense mini-workouts. I might also do light walks outside on my “off” days. And though this is my plan, I’m going to give myself some grace. If I feel exhausted, I’ll take something out. It’s about listening to your body when you try something new, right?

What’s hubby doing? He’s keeping his current exercise routine–which is pretty intense. His plan right now is to supplement the cleanse with protein–either in the form of protein shakes OR meat (chewable, not liquid! LOL!). And again, he says his plan is to listen to his body and see if he’ll need additional fuel as he goes along.
OK…so that’s what I’ve got for you on Day 1 so you know what our plans are!

Do you have any other questions about how we’re approaching this journey?

Ask below!

Day 1: The 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment!

Wed. July 10, 2024

So the Juice Cleanse Experiment Begins!

Here are the details!

We ordered the 5 Day Pressed Juice Cleanse from Costco on July 3. It arrived on July 9 (one day earlier than expected). Yay!

The Pressed Juice Cleanse arrived in 2 BIG boxes…one for me and one for hubby.

Wow! What an expert packing system! The 5 Day Pressed Juice Cleanse comes with thirty 12 oz juices and ten juice “shots”. The boxes were lined with cotton-filled recyclable liners and had a whole bunch of large ice packs to keep the juices cold and fresh. The ice packs are no ordinary ice packs though–they can be repurposed as plant food! What??? Great idea, Pressed Juice! You get lots of points just for THAT! 🙂

AND…to my surprise, in the midst of a heat wave, everything arrived cold! Yahoo! Expiration dates were good. Most of the juices looked fresh (separation is normal, and the lighter “floating” juice looked mostly bright except for a few of the Greens with Ginger which were a little dark and stormy–read, “oxidation”.) We’ll see if they still taste fresh!

Hubby and I are both planning to do the cleanse for 5 days. I have never done a juice cleanse before, so I’m a little scared! LOL! The plan is to drink six 12 oz juices every two hours from the time we wake up until 2 hours before bed. Plus, we can drink one Wellness Shot and one Vitality Shot at any point of the day.

It is a juice-only cleanse. That being said, we are going to pay attention to how we feel and supplement as needed. Hubby likes to workout (harrrrd), so he might have to add in some protein to encourage muscle gain AND to have a normal amount of calories for a guy of his size. As for me, yesterday I felt like I might be developing a cold (or maybe it’s allergies–EVERYTHING is blooming here!) so I’m actually dealing with a scratchy throat and a headache. Same thing this morning. Kind of glad it started yesterday, or else I might be blaming the crappy feeling on the cleanse. It should be an interesting journey!

Stay tuned!