Monday, October 9, 2023

Day 1: The 10 Day Breathe First and Get Moving Challenge!

Hey Friends!

Happy Monday!  Welcome to Day 1 of the “10 Day Breathe First and Get Moving Challenge” where we’re challenging ourselves to move EVERY DAY for the next 10 days!  It’s a great way to jump start a new exercise routine and to get yourself on the path to a happier, healthier, more fit YOU!

If you’ve been following along, you’ve already written down your WHYS and your HOWS and you’re ready to MOVE! (If you’re joining the party a little late, no worries!!! Feel free to go back and read the last 3 posts for some ideas on how to Prep for Success!) 

Remember…Start where you are.  Use what you got.  Do what you can.  For those of you who are new to exercise or who are coming back after a long time away, be gentle with yourself!  Start slowly, so that you can move every day!  If you work out too hard, too fast…well, it  can totally crush your plans to keep moving!   I have learned this truth the hard way!  LOL!   

When I was in my 30’s I randomly decided I was going to get fit (I was a total couch potato at the time!), so  I started the process by spontaneously going to a crazy challenging boot camp class…with weights and squats and lunges and more squats and lunges. Did I mention there were lots of squats and lunges?  Anyway, when I got home, I literally had to use my hands to lift my own leg every time I wanted to to get my foot up a stair!  It took me like 10  minutes to get up the 4 stairs to my front door!  Ha ha ha!  No bueno!   Needless to say, I couldn’t exercise for a week so my plans to get “fit” flew right out the window!  

So today I’m older and wiser and I’m starting out slowly!  I’m doing a little 15 minute Betty Rocker workout in addition to my regularly scheduled yoga class!  And I’m excited to get moving!  I hope you are too!  

Can’t wait to hear about your exercise adventures!  

Hugs to you, friends!  Best of luck!

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