Sunday, July 14, 2024

Day 5: The 5 Day Juice Experiment--Three Questions

As this 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment comes to a close, I have 3 questions that I've been asking myself...

Question 1:

How the heck can hubby and I be on a juice cleanse, where we do nothing but drink liquid all day but yet we are still constantly thirsty? My water bottle and I have become besties. I’m drinking more liquid (in the form of juices) and more water than I have in…my whole life maybe? What magic is this?

Question 2:

How were we NOT hungry during this cleanse? We have felt like we needed FUEL (like we were running out of steam), but we didn’t have that ravenous, “I’m hungry” feeling. So weird.

Question 3:

Can it really be day 5 already? I’m not saying I’d like to do more days, but those 5 days went by REALLY fast! (And hubby agrees!)

Things to note…

  • When we started this cleanse, we were coming off a lonnnnng period of “vacation eating/drinking”, so both of us were VERY ready to get rid of the “full feeling”.
  • We haven’t had any social engagements…which undoubtedly made the cleanse easier.
  • We have been suuuuuper busy…so no downtime to think about food.
  • Our kitchen is being pulled apart…so we can’t cook anyway.

OK…sooo…tomorrow I will share some details about what we got out of our cleanse and what we thought about the experience as a whole. See ya later, gater!

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