Saturday, July 13, 2024

Day 4: The 5 Day Juice Cleanse Experiment--Energy Levels

"So, how are your energy levels?"

Well, I might be dragging (due to the cold), but this cleanse is giving hubby some energyyyyyyy! He hasn’t had any energy dips AT ALL. This morning he decided to have a little coffee (which you’re technically NOT supposed to do during the cleanse) and as we were walking home from the coffee shop he looked at me with wide, crazy eyes and and said,

“Arrrrrrghhh!!!!!IjustfeellikeIwannarundownthestreetasfastasIcan,andthenjump50feetintheairandintoatreewhiledoingkarateandthenclimbbackdownthetreeandthendocartwheelsandthen…wow. That caffeine really affected me!”

LOL! I guess the cleanse has made him even MORE caffeine sensitive! Good thing he is doing kitchen demo today…he’ll get some of that energy out! I just hope he doesn’t get carried away! Who knows what walls he might knock out?! 😉

On the downside, you know what comes after a caffeine high, right? The "crash and burn". Maybe he'll get lucky and it will pass him by....

One more dayyyyy!

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