Monday, August 28, 2023

STEP FIVE: A little more planning and some nitty gritty details to ensure success!

OK, so I’m doing it!  My fridge and cabinets are looking pretty good!  I’ve taken out the trigger foods and other junk. I’ve talked to hubby and friends about what I’m doing and I’ve asked for their help.  

Have you been proactive and started tackling your obstacles too?  Awesome!  Feel free to share your action steps below!  

Now the next step…

(This step might take a little time! No worries though, there are still 8 more days before the Food Tune-Up starts!  Plenty of time!)

To help myself avoid the stumbling block of being hungry and not knowing what to eat, I’ve also started a running list of snacks and recipes that fit within my Food List.  I’ve also got a rough draft of a 10 Day Meal Plan.  If you’re someone (like me!) who gets derailed easily if you “can’t think of what to make for dinner”, I’d highly suggest you do the same!  

Take a few days to MAKE A SNACK LIST, RECIPE LIST, AND A “DRAFT” 10 DAY MEAL PLAN THAT JIVES WITH YOUR FOOD LIST!  (By the way, once you make these things…if you save them on your computer you can use them anytime you need a little food reset! Soooo much less work for future Food Tune-Ups!).  

You can check out MY Snack List HERE and my Recipe List and “Draft” 10 Day Meal Plan HERE.  (I always say “Draft” Meal Plan cuz I don’t always stick to it exactly…I still eat only foods from my Food List and recipes from my Recipe List, but they might be in a different order than expected.  I’ll update it as we go along so you can see what I actually ended up eating!  LOL!).

OK, so…get planning!  Remember…"A goal without a plan is just a wish!”  

Let me know if you have questions…feel free to ask below!


  1. Hi there!
    I have thyroid issues and I saw that one of your favorite things was the book Happy Healthy Thyroid, so I ordered it from Thrift Books. It just came and I scanned the index and went straight to chapter 8,Healthful Food Habits That Are Not So Healthful. halfway through the first page and I could see exactly why you like this book. Lol. I believe that I will also.
    I also purchased The Everything Thyroid book and it reminds me of the Dummy books, which I like for simple information, but I am liking the personal touch that the author, Andrea Beaman, brings to the page.

    Good luck and thanks for the healthy nudge!

  2. Yay! Glad it looks like it will be a book that you like! I kinda love Andrea Beaman's "no muss, no fuss" attitude about healthy eating. She has a LOT of experience with Thyroid issues and uses a traditional Eastern Medicine approach to healing...combine that with her New York sass, and she's a super fun read with lots of great info! LOL!

    Wishing you lots of success on your search for GREAT health! HUGS!
