You’ve got ONE more day of your Food Tune Up. It’s time to do a little celebrating!
- How are you feeling?
- Did you accomplish what you wanted to accomplish?
- What changes are you noticing?
- Are you feeling empowered?
Feel free to share below!
As for me…
1. How am I feeling?
I’m feeling pretty good! I’ve got renewed energy, I’m not feeling “stuffed” all the time, and I feel pretty great about sticking with the program!
2. Did I accomplish what I wanted to accomplish?
To answer this, I went back and looked at my “WHYS”. Did I expect that I’d accomplish ALL of them in only 10 days? Heck no! It took me a whole “Summer of Indulgence” to get where I was, so I didn’t expect to undo it ALL in just 10 day! That said, I’m moving in the right direction and I did better than I expected! Yay!
3. What changes am I noticing?
- Inflammation/swelling is getting better (slowly but surely!).
- My joints are just starrrrting to improve (but to crush it, I need more time…after all, I’m no Spring Chicken! LOL!).
- My sleep is SO much DEEPER (but to get the LONGER sleep I really want, I need to work on OTHER habits–not just food!).
- I lost the weight that I gained during my “vacation days”.
- I feel less bloated.
- I’m rocking more consistent energy and moods.
- My digestion and elimination is WAY better! (Again, TMI??? ALWAYS! LOL!)
- I crushed my junk food cravings. (BOOM! Take THAT, Food Addictions!)
- My acid reflux is gone.
4. Am I feeling empowered?
You betcha! I’m happy I stuck with it. I’m pleased with my progress. My mindset is positive! I’ve broken some bad habits and shaken things up enough to use this Tune-Up as a way to get myself back on track for the long term! (Or at least until the Holidays…where I will indulge to my heart’s content! LOL!)
So tell me, if YOU played along, what things do YOU want to celebrate?
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