Thursday, January 18, 2018

I'm On My Way...

It's so funny to go back and read my posts.  It seems my goals have been morphing continuously over the past year or so.  I'm happy to say, though, I think I'm on my way...

I'm pursuing my passions.  

After much deliberation, I chose a school to study Health Coaching.  In September I started my program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  I love it.  Over the course of a year, I will learn the basics of over 100 Dietary Theories and I will discover how to use coaching techniques to help people define their health goals and reach them in a holistic and sustainable manner.  I get to guide people to a better state of health, so they can be their best selves--happier, healthier, more energetic.  What could be more fulfilling than that?  

The best part is, I can incorporate my Yoga background.  You see, IIN believes that good health isn't just about nutrition.  Nutrition is your "Secondary Food".   It matters of course, but there are other things that affect your health as well...things like relationships, physical activity, spirituality, and your career.  These are your "Primary Foods".  If your Primary Foods are out of whack, good luck resisting that pint of ice cream!  Stress can do a number on your primary foods!  So, Yoga to the rescue!  Yoga combines physical activity AND spirituality to help you manage stress and get you into a healthy mindset.  Plus, in my classes, I really LOVE to promote a sense of community and foster relationships between my yogis.  So BOOM!  Three Primary Foods addressed by yoga!  Ha!  

I'm joking a little bit won't solve ALL your problems, but man, it can sure make you feel healthier and happier!    :)

Anyway, that is what is going on here.  I'm on my way.  Pursuing my passions.  I'm also hoping to squeeze in my other passion, which is writing.  Hopefully, this is the start of my string of blogs.  We'll see....

Namaste, Yogis! 

Tall Mountain at Yosemite National Park

Yoga Snack:  When feeling "blah", stand in Tall Mountain--Reach up to the sky and take a deep breath in.  Relax your shoulders down. You will re-charge instantly!

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